Friday, June 11, 2010

How quickly you sell depends largely on which seller profile you fit in.

Getting your home sold in the Greater Milwaukee area is not as tough as you might think despite the market (now dealing without the tax credit). The key is understanding a few things about yourself and how you approach the market that determines if and how quickly you sell.

What Home Buyers Want

Right now, there are roughly half the number of buyers in the market as we would normally see. As a general rule, they are conservative and concerned due to the state of the economy and tough lending requirements. They are looking for value. Ultimately, they are going to buy the home that is the best value on the day they make their purchase decision… Wouldn’t you if you were buying today?

Understanding The Housing Competition

Knowing that buyers are looking for value, another key factor if you want to sell a home is knowing who your true competition really is. For you to determine “good value,” you have to know what to compare with. This takes working with a real estate agent that understands the market better than the others. Choosing your initial market position is perhaps the most important factor when deciding to put your home on the market.

Your Motivation To Sell A Home.

So you know what buyers want and you understand your competition and how to value your home, the next and final step is to understand your current situation. Are you motivated enough to sell your home? Here’s a simple test:

Pick which of the below choices best describes you. Think seriously before you decide, as this will help you greatly.

  1. The Casual Seller - The casual seller says things like “We are not in a hurry,” or “We don’t want to give it away.” You can expect this person to say “We will sell if we can get $X ….”
  2. The Serious Seller - The serious seller says things like “I understand the market and I’m willing to sell my home for what I’m seeing out there.” This seller is ready to sell at “perceived market value” and they expect to price their home with the competition to get it sold.
  3. The Very Serious Seller - The very serious seller must sell now. They are willing to create a perception of value and entice buyers to select their home before all others.

Who will sell their home in the next few months?

So, what kind of a seller are you?

If you answered the above question as honestly as you could, you need to know that the casual seller is not going to sell their home in today’s market. There are just way too many homes for sale and the casual sellers are doing themselves and the very serious sellers a dis-service by adding to the inventory.

The market will eventually recover and there will again be great times to sell, but today’s buyer pool is looking for value. Even the serious seller is most likely not going to sell their home. With over 11 months of supply in SE-WI plus new short sales and foreclosures entering the market, only the very serious sellers have the best chance of being successful over the next 12 months. Luckily with our very low commission of 1.5%, a seller listing with Homeowners Concept has quite a few thousands of dollars in savings to play with (As did idol Danny Gokey). A serious seller can take the savings and deduct it from the list price making their home much more attractive to buyers.

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