Monday, December 29, 2008

Reason for this blog

Our goal for this blog is to help educate and inform people about housing market topics, the Metro Milwaukee-area real estate market, and general advice and lessons about buying and selling homes. We hope that you will add us to your list of RSS feeds.

Homeowners Concept is entering its 25th year in operation in Metro-Milwaukee. We are proud of our record, having sold tens of thousands of properties and saved well over $90 MM in commissions. We have done this by providing more in marketing properties (having the most widely distributed homes magazine and a great website, among others) and having highly skilled, full time, long term agents who are truly dedicated to real estate. This is so different than the way traditional high commission real estate works. You see, the traditional 5, 6 or 7% commission office is like a revolving door. Agents enter and leave the business constantly (ever wonder why the larger offices have to continually hire and train new agents?). They count on each agent to at least attract a relative/friend or spend enough money of their own to attract a client outside their sphere of influence. It takes a lot of time and money for traditional agents to convince the consumer to pay the exorbitant commissions and to differentiate themselves from the competition. Traditional agents then are left with less time to do actual real estate work and stay in business long enough to become veterans in the industry. After a couple of years in business many quit or resort to working part time having another job elsewhere to survive. On the flip side, our agents don't have to market themselves and we make every effort to hire just enough dedicated experienced agents so that they make a decent living. Our marketing is almost exclusively geared to promoting the properties for sale which is good for our clients and our long term survival as evidenced by our 25 yrs in business. Our agents are truly focused on buying and selling homes, not promoting themselves.
We have become the company that not only saves the sellers thousands of dollars in commissions but provides exceptional real estate expertise. We truly think that our way is the best way to sell real estate.

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